This plane does have some extra features. I’d like to hear the opinion of a real Cessna 210 pilot… Anyway, that’s all I can say about the issue. The flight model is more challenging than some smaller GA’s, and I like this added complexity and challenge.

Don’t make that mistake because the 210 is a whole different animal. I can say that it is trickier than the 172, which I didn’t expect as they look very similar – superficially anyway. I have never flown a Cessna 210 and have had about 1 hour in the left seat of a Cessna 172, so I don’t feel very comfortable judging this or any other flight model. Everything happens in a certain order, and beyond the accuracy it reflects the whole sequence is simply interesting to watch. It’s obvious Carenado didn’t just throw this the animation together haphazardly. Below are some pictures of steps in the process.

The gear retraction sequence is very detailed. So how does the exterior stack up? Just as flawless as the interior! Here are some images, and take note of all of the rivets and reflections in the image at the top of this post… Not absolutely necessary, but one that adds an extra “that’s pretty cool” factor! And of course the night panel is about what you’d expect! WOW! Excellent work and one of the best features of this ACF… I love how Carenado products have pop-up menus where you can select certain features in context. Oh, did I mention the instrument reflections? These are well implemented and dynamic, and below you’ll find two comparison shots of this feature. It’s a Carenado aircraft, and it’s one of the latest products in their HD series, so you bet it has a great cockpit!

It’s very obvious that a lot of hard work went into sound quality. The aircraft’s sounds? Amazing! I’m usually not a freak about “sound” files, but this one is great, and totally immersive.
#Cessna 210 fsx addon series
This HD series does in fact appear to be getting better and better… This aircraft is amazing, and in my opinion outdoes even their Caravan! That says something because the Caravan is still probably one of the best GA’s for FSX available. Already leaning towards the 210 and having Chip tell me how much he thought I would enjoy it, I decided to go with the 210, and I think after having my hands on her for a day now I made the right choice! I was also looking at ORBX’s Lancair IV-P, which looks to be an excellent aircraft as well. I had been looking at the Cessna 210 for a while because I’ve been interested in getting a Cessna single with retractable gear. (Just get the levels on par with other planes and it will be a blast)The external sounds were really a blast for me and I have thoroughly enjoyed them and the usage of the cone effect is used with very good all round effect.Now to be honest this review has been done after I already have had the Arezone 337 specific sound set already added to the 337 and to be honest I still regard Arezone as the leader in add-on sounds, so dont be mislead and dont see any negativity in my review as it has been measured against a top class product.So I will give it it an 3.8 out of possible 5 marks.Looking forward seeing more of these sound sets in the future and I am sure the low sound level of the interior will be addressed in future releases.(What I am trying to say is see your sound not exclusively as one sound set - that in itself is great but get it to be in cohesion with similar sound levels as with the rest of planes so that you dont have to adjust sound up/down per plane)keep them coming.After buying Carenado’s Cessna Caravan a few weeks ago and seeing how impressive their new HD Series products are, I wanted to get another ACF and see if they’re really onto something with this new line of ACF. the roll-out sounds add a lot of immersion to the plane and the other sounds were very complimentary. Apart from that I really cannot fault the internal sounds. Being used to the fact that about all my add-on's run on the same level, and then have to increase it for this bird specifically is just a bit of schlep and would really like to see the sounds being a bit louder so that I dont have to adjust sound levels per plane. In fact it was a splendid surprise to see what one can do even when still basically "new" to the flight scene.The internal sounds levels were way below my normal FSX plane sounds and I needed to crank up the volume quite a bit to really enjoy the rich sounds. Cant wait to try the sounds.Also very good price by the way.Will give feedback a bit later after I have installed it and took it for a flight or two.EDIT: My short review.For a first shot at FSX this is really not bad at all.